Christ the King Catholic Church offers the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults or RCIA for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. Get answers to your questions about Catholicism, develop your spiritual life, and find out the steps required to become integrated into the Catholic family. Attending RCIA does not imply an obligation to become Catholic. In fact, it's a great opportunity for Catholics to learn more about the Faith.
RCIA meets weekly at 10:30am on Sundays. There may be a nominal charge for materials, but there are no tests or exams. Of course, the more you contemplate the materials and participate in the discussions, the more you will benefit from the program! If you are ready to enroll in RCIA, please contact Deacon Ted (Director of Evangelization) at [email protected]
I was baptized in another religion. Will I be baptized again?
The Catholic Church believes in only one baptism. If you were baptized with water in the Trinitarian formula (meaning the minister said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”), the Catholic Church recognizes that as a valid baptism, so you will not be “baptized again.” If other words or procedures were followed, you will receive Christian baptism at the end of the program.
How long does it take to become Catholic?
The RCIA program meets the needs of those inquiring and so the answer is "It depends on your circumstances". After the period of preparation and discernment, you are brought into the Catholic Church on Holy Saturday (the evening before Easter Sunday).
Why does it take so long? Why is everything so formal?
RCIA is purposefully thorough to ensure you are well prepared and understand the wonderful graces received when you enter fully into the Church. The Catholic Church has been in existence since Jesus founded it by naming Peter the first Pope, and takes the responsibility of caring for your spiritual life very seriously. Becoming Catholic is meant to be a lifelong commitment and we want to ensure you understand the process, the Mass, and can fully receive the Sacraments the Catholic Church offers you.